16 March 2022
Meet Phuc Dang Huynh, QA Lead
Could you please introduce yourself?
Hi! I am Phuc and I’ve been working at Focus in QA since 2016. I’ve started here as an intern and ended up as a QA Lead on several projects for the past few years.
What are your tasks as a QA Lead at Focus Entertainment?
I see my role as a QA Lead in two big parts:
The first part is about team management. I believe it’s important to foster inclusive team relationships so that everyone feels at ease at work, while also constantly making sure that our testing processes are always relevant and comfortable to use.
The second part is about project management. From understanding my project’s features and technical issues to gathering information on the next step towards releasing something, I spend a lot of time communicating with internal and external teams to prepare and schedule testing rounds with my team.
In my experience, it is a role that relies a lot on teamwork and efficient communication, and I find that to be very rewarding!
In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good QA?
I believe patience is one of the top qualities that’s needed in any role in QA.
Whether it is about managing difficult situations, or understanding complex technical features, patience has helped me through a lot of challenges that come with the job.
Self-awareness is another quality I feel is important: to be able to question my own ways of dealing with challenges and having high standards to reach has helped me develop my technical and soft skills.
Finally, I believe kindness is a quality one should cultivate for any role in leadership, as it participates in effective communication, and helps not to focus only on the negative, as QA may see tons of technical issues over the course of a project’s lifetime.
Have you always wanted to join the industry?
Yes, joining the industry was a dream ever since I first laid my hands on a Nintendo 64 copy of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time long ago.
Why would you recommend Focus Entertainment?
I feel privileged for working within Focus as a QA Lead, to work with teams that understand the importance of mutual respect and inclusivity.
Plus, QA is a field that is constantly bringing new opportunities for learning, and I’m always looking forward to that