31 August 2018 / Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2
Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 will land in January with more planned content – Watch its new and glorious Faction Trailer!
Originally planned for a release in September, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 will finally land on PC in January 2019. These couple of additional months of development will allow Tindalos developers to polish the game and bring all their ambitions to life after the great success met by the first game. The team at Tindalos will also take opportunity of this extra development time to add extra content for the game's release!
The game already offers a huge content with 3 great narrative campaigns, 12 playable factions and refined gameplay. This extra development time will allow Tindalos to add a new exciting feature: all three narrative campaigns will thus be playable in coop multiplayer! In order to involve players during this extra development phase, we’ll organize not one but two pre-order betas. More details about the dates and content of these pre-order betas will be communicated shortly.
See all the fury, glory, and fear of the 41st millenium’s deadly space battles in the new Faction Trailer for Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2, the massive RTS from Tindalos Interactive and Focus Home Interactive. The enigmatic Necron collector Trazyn the Infinite narrates the trailer, perusing his hoard of the galaxy’s most mysterious artefacts and fearsome warriors, introducing you to each in turn. Armada 2 is available for pre-order now.
Set after the devastating events of the Gathering Storm event wreaked havoc upon the universe of Warhammer 40,000, Armada 2 features every faction from the original Battlefleet Gothic tabletop game. Each one has been updated and revised for the modern setting with new ships, new lore, and the same bloodthirsty need for galactic domination. Whether you’re a fully corrupted Chaos cultist or a fan of the ever-curious, never-outgunned Tau, you will find a fleet for you within Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2.
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 is available for pre-order on Steam, offering Beta Access before the release of the game, and a 10% discount! Returning Battlefleet Gothic: Armada players on Steam instead benefit from a 25% loyalty discount on their preorder of Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2. The game will be coming to PC in January, 2019.