26 September 2024 / SnowRunner
SnowRunner’s Season 14: Reap & Sow is out on all platforms. Spring the tourist and farming industries back to life in the valleys of Austria!
SnowRunner, the blockbuster off-roading experience from Saber Interactive and Focus Entertainment, today releases the second season of its Year 4 Pass, Season 14: Reap & Sow on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Mac and PC, with Nintendo Switch coming at a later date.
Watch today’s Overview Trailer for a taste of the new content!
Available for free to all Year 4 Pass owners, Season 14 invites players to Austria, a brand-new and picturesque region nestled in the heart of the Alps. A set of 10 new stickers will also be available for all players as a free update.
Renovate a castle before the Renaissance fair!
In Season 14: Reap & Sow, Austrian officials are looking to breathe life back into their region with investments in tourism and domestic agriculture following a streak of heavy rainfall and landslides. This is where you come in! Your mission consists of rehabilitating bridges and maintenance sites across two brand new 4km² maps, setting up solar panels to kickstart the project and delivering materials to the castle grounds at the top. In the valleys, you will be taking on the more down-to-earth duties of revitalizing Austria’s logging and agricultural industries.
To help you in these tasks, Season 14 brings you a whole suite of 4 new vehicles and an exciting new brand making its SnowRunner debut: Earthroamer. The Earthroamer SX and LTI will bring unprecedented versatility to your fleet with their strong scouting capabilities thanks to their sizable built-in repair and reconnaissance modules. When the time for farming and harvesting comes around, hop on the Futom 7290RA and Ankatra 1160, two powerful and agile tractors fitted with logging cranes to help you take on farming and logging duties.
Season 14: Reap & Sow is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Mac and PC, with Nintendo Switch coming at a later date — and automatically granted to all owners of the Year 4 Pass or 4-Year Anniversary Edition. For more information, check out the game’s page on the Focus Store.